Mission Statement

Orion Jewelry was founded with a deep-rooted intention to celebrate my Colombian roots and my family's architectural legacy. Drawn to bold and impactful designs that convey a powerful message, I am constantly inspired by the fusion of traditional Colombian aesthetics with a contemporary flair.

From a young age, the world of design has always enveloped me, igniting my creativity and shaping my vision for creating an authentic brand that truly resonates with others. Observing our continuous evolution of the worlds urban fabric reflects the design philosophy of my geometrical designs.

Orion Jewelry is designed to be uniquely interpreted by each individual wearer, allowing the beauty of the piece to resonate personally. The essence of Orion's slogan “Be Bold. Be Orion. Be You.” encapsulates the brand's mission to communicate a message that is open to individual perception and meaning.

Behind the name…

Gazing upon the night stars, the Orion constellation stands out for its prominent glare and powerful presence among the other star systems.

Just as it radiates its light to brighten our night sky, Orion Jewelry was created as an embodiment of the constellation's distinctive glow for people to wear and shine their light while embodying the strength and boldness of the great hunter Orion.

Each piece of jewelry is crafted as a symbol of empowerment and elegance to make the wearer feel bold and unique like Orion in our night sky.